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** * ** * ** ** * Snow ** * * ** * * * *

The last time I've seen so much snow, it was in my childhood, around 25 years ago.

This is a miracle of nature.
Want to share with you all that snow.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
9-10 of January, 2010

If you like some pictures you may ask me for a higher resolution.

This music was playing in my ears while I was taking the pictures.
"Long line of Cars", Cake:

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Gigantic icicles (1-3 meters high), by 2rmik

desktop weather


Peter and Paul fortress, by 2rmikPeter and Paul fortress

Aurora, by 2rmik

The Palace Square


St. Isaaks Cathedral, by 2rmikSt. Isaaks Cathedral

Saint-Petersburg weather out YoWindow weather widget Weather widget requires the free Adoble Flash Player which you can download here.

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weather forecast